
Visibly Queensland
Be seen. Be heard. Be a part of shaping a future for our LGBTIQ+ Sistergirl and Brotherboy Communities here in Queensland.
Our communities are amazing. We are visible, we are proud, we are here.
Over the past few months we have travelled around the sate asking what matters to people. What do our LGBTIQ+ Sistergirl and Brotherboy people want and need in order to live their most authentic and safe lives?
You told us, and we are sharing it back with you.
Over the coming weeks we will be sharing data back to you in ways that are useful to you. Please re-visit to see all of the words and images that have been generously shared, transposed and captured on to beautiful infographics.
If you have any questions or need assistance please get in touch with us at info@qc.org.au or call (07) 3017 1777.

Visibly Queensland Consultations
Find out what our LGBTIQ+ Sistergirl and Brotherboy communities are telling us from each of our consultations.