
People with Innate Variations in Sex Characteristics, Intersex

InterLink is an intersex community-controlled mental health service providing individual and group counselling to people with innate variations of sex characteristics (intersex/differences of sex development) of all ages, plus the parents or caregivers of young people with intersex variations.
InterLink also provides community care coordination, helping to connect clients with affirmative, knowledgeable services and peer support.
InterLink counselling is offered free anywhere in Australia. Group programs have facilitated sessions that bring people together to talk about living with innate variations in sex characteristics with the support of intersex peer workers and our mental health practitioner.
If you would like to access InterLink and get connected with some support and community, fill in the registration form on the website.
QC values the diverse experiences of people with innate variations of sex characteristics and recognises they have unique health and wellbeing needs, sometimes related to their intersex variations and sometimes not. We are committed to ensuring that all our programs are intersex-inclusive and work in partnership with intersex-led organisations.
The Darlington Statement

This is a joint consensus statement by Australian and Aotearoa/New Zealand intersex organisations and independent advocates in March 2017. It sets out the priorities and calls by the intersex human rights movement in our countries under six headings: a preamble, human rights and legal reform, health and wellbeing, peer support, allies, and education, awareness and employment.
For more information about the Darlington Statement, please visit the Darlington website.

Yellow Tick
Partner Organisations

We continue to walk alongside and recognise the hard work of staff and volunteers of intersex community-controlled organisations.
Intersex Human Rights Australia promotes the health and human rights of people with innate variations of sex characteristics, including rights to bodily autonomy and self-determination. IHRA works promoting consistent legislative and regulatory reform, reform to clinical practices, improvements to data collection and research. IHRA builds intersex community capacity and provides education and information resources to address stigma, misconceptions and discrimination. IHRA delivers the InterLink psychosocial support program for individuals with innate variations of sex characteristics and families.
Intersex Peer Support Australia, Aotearoa (NZ) is an intersex peer support, information and advocacy group for people born with variations in sex characteristics and their families. IPSA is a non-profit organisation, led by people with variations of sex characteristics who are passionate about combatting intersex isolation, shame and stigma through community connection and peer support. IPSA works towards improving affirmative healthcare, fostering intersexy pride, strengthening the intersex community and deepening social culture.

The Yellow Tick is the best way to ensure your organisation is intersex affirmative from the front door to the boardroom table.
Yellow Tick is a peer-led intersex initiative organised to assist those working with intersex clients in making their services inclusive and affirmative through training, policy review, and the development of standards of care and sector-specific resources.
QC staff have undertaken Yellow Tick training and our services, programs, training and organisational practices have been Yellow Tick audited. QC proudly displays the Yellow Tick insignia for our mental health services and intersex-related content in our training packages.