
People Living with HIV
Recognising HIV Long-Term Survivors, we honour and celebrate the lives, courage, and advocacy of those who have been living with HIV for decades. Their resilience and determination have paved the way for significant advancements in research, medical treatments, and policy changes, shaping a brighter future for all.
Our roots run deep, the Queensland Council for LGBTI Health, formerly the Queensland AIDS Council, was formed in 1984 in response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The organisation was established to address the urgent need for education, care and support, and advocacy for those affected by HIV/AIDS in Queensland.
Along with 2Spirits, QCGP+, the Queensland Council for LGBTI Heath and our allies have worked tirelessly to support and uplift our incredible communities living with HIV over the decades. We pay tribute to the countless stories and immense work that have contributed to the progress we see today.
The profound impact of living with HIV on long-term survivors' lives is immense, and we remain committed to supporting them and advocating for their needs, especially as they age. The importance of supporting our ageing communities cannot be overstated, you can find more information about our ageing programs here.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the trailblazers who have made a lasting impact on our journey toward equality and health for all. Your legacy continues to inspire and guide us in our mission.
People living with HIV (PLHIV) no longer need to live in fear of having an active sex life. Over time research has evolved and there is now a number of ways PLHIV can protect their sexual partners from contracting HIV. These strategies include:
Undetectable viral load
Treatment as prevention (TasP)
Undetectable = Untransmissible (U=U)
Starting Antiretroviral therapy early and maintaining control of viral load helps prevent the risk of passing on HIV. In other words if someone is HIV+ and has an undetectable viral load it is virtually impossible to pass on the virus.
QC is a partner of the Prevention Access Campaign which is a multi-agency health equity initiative to end the dual epidemics of HIV and HIV-related stigma by expanding access to HIV prevention and empowering people with and vulnerable to HIV with accurate and meaningful information about their social, sexual, and reproductive health.
Prevention Access Campaign’s Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U) is a community of HIV advocates, activists, researchers, and community partners around the world uniting to clarify and disseminate the revolutionary but largely unknown fact that people living with HIV on effective treatment do not sexually transmit HIV.
U=U was launched in early 2016 by a group of people living with HIV who created a groundbreaking consensus statement with global experts to clear up confusion about risk and to clarify the science of U=U. That Statement was the genesis of the U=U movement that is sharing the U=U message to dismantle HIV stigma, improve the lives of people living with HIV, and bring us closer to ending the epidemic.
At our core, we believe in promoting wellness, embracing diversity, and enhancing the quality of life for everyone in our communities. Being diagnosed with HIV today is very different from the past thanks to incredible advancements in medical science, care and support.
Our approach is centred on helping people living with HIV (PLHIV) live fulfilling and vibrant lives. Immediate treatment upon diagnosis, typically with just one pill a day, plays a vital role in this journey. Adhering to this daily regimen is crucial, as it not only supports individual health but also helps achieve an undetectable viral load.
An undetectable viral load means the amount of virus in the body is extremely low, with an undetectable viral load there is zero risk of transmitting HIV to a sexual partner, providing you've been adherent to HIV treatment for at least six months. This milestone is a testament to the advancements in modern medicine and the importance of HIV treatment to support quality of life for people with HIV.
Whilst treatment is important to support good quality of life for people with HIV so too is social connection and peer support.
Along with our community partners, such as Queensland Positive People (QPP), we are committed to raising awareness, supporting our positive communities and helping you lead a healthy, happy, and connected life. Explore different resources and supports below.
TasP - Treatment as Prevention

Life long-term with HIV

Additional Support

Helpful Numbers

If you or anyone you know needs support, please reach out to any of the following services:

24/7 national crisis line support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people