
Our Local Expert Groups
Visibility is important for folk to know that they are accepted and loved. You can join our Local Expert Groups and help make a difference.
Visibility is important for our young people so they know there is a future for them. Visibility is important for folk living in smaller or more remote communities so that they can see that there are people like them; visibility is important in services so that people feel safe to tell the whole story and not just the part they feel like will be accepted.
Through working together to achieve visibility, we can create a Queensland where everyone feels safe and valued.
We can create a Queensland where families are celebrated for all of their richness.
We can create a Queensland where diversity is not just tolerated but is celebrated.
We can create a Queensland where the differences that we see in our local and regional areas can make a state-wide community that is stronger because it is woven together.
Let’s work together to make a Queensland for all who are a part of or love someone within our LGBTIQ+ Sistergirl and Brotherboy communities. Let’s make sure that we are connected, that we are proud, and that we are all here, and we are all visible.
This will make a difference not only in our lives today but in someone’s life tomorrow and in someone else’s forever.