
LGBTI Seniors Visiting Service
The LGBTI Seniors Visiting Service matches trained volunteer visitors with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Sistergirl and Brotherboy senior and elder clients who feel alone or isolated from their community due to health, mobility or other issues.
The service supports clients to stay connected with others through having regular contact with their visitor for conversation, social connection and/or outings. It operates alongside but not in place of other residential aged care or in-home care and support services that clients might receive or be looking to access.
Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme (ACVVS) - Julia & Joan’s story
Are you an older person looking to connect?

The service is offered to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Sistergirl and Brotherboy older people across the Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Townsville and Gold Coast regions who:
Due to ageing and/or their health status, culture, mobility or other issues are isolated from their community.
Live alone or with another (including a partner, carer, or friend).
Live in their own home and receive Home Care Program support services OR live in a Residential Aged Care Home.
There are different types of visits to suit different people and circumstances. How the client and their visitor spend time will depend on the health and situation of the individual clients but might include reading or listening to music together, chatting, watching a favourite television program together, or going for a walk, or on an outing.
Don't let loneliness hold you back.
To request a visitor, get in touch with us now! Complete the form below.

Are you interested in volunteering?

How does the Visiting Service work?

Volunteering with the Seniors Visiting Service is a great way to support the health and wellbeing of our older Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Sistergirl and Brotherboy community members by helping keep a sense of connection with others.
All volunteer visitors are trained and undergo a criminal history check prior to matching with a client. Visitors commit to spending time with their clients on a regular basis (minimum of one hour per week or two hours fortnightly) and over a minimum period of 6 to 12 months.
Visitors also can play an important role in helping maintain a connection to the LGBTIQ+ Sistergirl and Brotherboy communities, such as raising awareness about LGBTIQ+ Sistergirl and Brotherboy focused healthy ageing information and services or by accompanying someone to a local community event such as a Pride Festival.

The Visiting Service will operate alongside but not in place of other in-home care and support services that clients might also require or have in place.
Clients seeking a visitor will be asked to complete a registration and profile form. The Visiting Service worker will arrange a meeting with each client to discuss their situation, to assist matching with a volunteer visitor. All visitors are trained and undergo a criminal history check prior to matching with a client and Visiting Service staff maintain an active role linking all parties to ensure appropriate client-visitor matches are maintained and that regular times are kept.
Our organisation's Charter of Service Users Rights and Responsibilities upholds the valuing and respect of all clients. The Visiting Service embraces diversity and is committed to maintaining discretion and privacy in its service delivery, as well as providing an understanding service that is responsive to issues affecting senior Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Sistergirl and Brotherboy clients.

Funded by the Australian Government